Monthly Archives: August 2011


This weekend is the Great Basin Fiber Arts Fair. I have gone every year for the last 4 years and have completely enjoyed myself each time. Even the year it rained and was very cold. For those who wonder what in the heck kind of fiber I’m talking about, I mean the stuff you knit with. I’m not talking about dietary fiber…that would be a boring fair!

I spin my own yarn. I own a Kromski Sonata spinning wheel that I love.  She (yes she) is lovely and spins like a dream. I move her all over the house and even to the back porch to spin. She folds up and packs away neatly into a travel bag and I take her places with me, including work and the mall, to spin. I love her greatly.

I buy lovely fiber from lots of different places.

In other words, I’m a geek with a hobby. It’s just not a new hobby. It’s one that’s been around for thousands of years.

I love to spin.


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In Training

I started my new job on Monday. I’m officially in training and in an probationary period for 60 days. So far, so good. I like the people I’m working with. Everyone is friendly and helpful. There is no competition here, just a wanting to help everyone succeed. I’m very unfamiliar with this and it’s going to take some getting used to. 

I’m tired. Oh, am I tired. Frankly, I’m not used to working 8-5. It’s been years since I’ve done that. And I mean years. Like, 20 years. I’ll get used to it. But what’s going to be interesting is finishing up my two classes I have. I’m only two weeks in, I have two weeks left and I have no energy to work on either one when I get home. I tried last night and feel asleep with my computer in my lap! I’m going to try and work some more tonight and try to get at least one class done. I do have till Saturday at midnight, but I hate waiting till the last minute.

Hopefully, next Mod, I’ll only have one class. I think my graduation date must have been moved up, as I only have 8 classes left to complete. 

Think good thoughts for me.


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