Monthly Archives: December 2008

What am I doing!

I don’t often write about myself or what I’m doing in life.  You’ll also notice no pictures of me.  I guess that could be taken as a sign of low self-esteem.  I’d like to think it’s more about a healthy sense of self-preservation.  I’m going to change that though, today.  I’m going to tell you what I’ve been up too.

I’m doing something that is scaring me to death.  Whenever I take a step out of my comfort zone, I get really, really scared.  Well, I’ve not only taken a step, I’ve jumped off the bridge, landed in the deep end and I’m learning how to swim for my life!

I’m going back to school.  University to be exact.  I plan on getting a BS degree in Accounting.  Boring, I know.  Lame, I know.  Jobs, yes, thank you, there are.  And I like numbers.  I really like numbers.

I put in my application just before Thanksgiving and was re-admitted (I’d gone 20 years ago for 2 classes) to Utah Valley University.  I’ve filled out my FAFSA and it was sent on it’s merry way.  UVU got it and promptly denied me because I had failed to properly withdrawal from a class 20 years ago.  I thought I had withdrawn from both classes, but I guess not.

I’ve presented myself at the registra’s office and begged to have that UW changed to a W, so I can be awarded financial aid to pay my already (for me) hefty schooling bill.

I’ve signed up for 3 classes.  American Government (I love this stuff), Health and Wellness (a required class) and Library Resource (to make me a better researcher).  All are on-line courses at this point.  6 credit hours, all on-line, plus I’m working part-time and I’m a full-time mom and daughter.

I’m nuts.  Shoot me now.  No?  Dang. Well, ok, then, pray for me!  Can you do that?  Is it bad to pray for financial aid?  Or that God will give me the courage to do this, for real?


Filed under General